This document describes the current stable version of django_celery_monitor (1.1). For development docs, go here.

Source code for django_celery_monitor.utils

# -- XXX This module must not use translation as that causes
# -- a recursive loader import!
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pformat

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import DateTimeField, Func
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.html import escape

    from django.db.models.functions import Now
except ImportError:

    class Now(Func):
        """A backport of the Now function from Django 1.9.x."""

        template = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'

        def __init__(self, output_field=None, **extra):
            if output_field is None:
                output_field = DateTimeField()
            super(Now, self).__init__(output_field=output_field, **extra)

        def as_postgresql(self, compiler, connection):
            # Postgres' CURRENT_TIMESTAMP means "the time at the start of the
            # transaction". We use STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP to be cross-compatible
            # with other databases.
            self.template = 'STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP()'
            return self.as_sql(compiler, connection)

[docs]def make_aware(value): """Make the given datetime aware of a timezone.""" if settings.USE_TZ: # naive datetimes are assumed to be in UTC. if timezone.is_naive(value): value = timezone.make_aware(value, timezone.utc) # then convert to the Django configured timezone. default_tz = timezone.get_default_timezone() value = timezone.localtime(value, default_tz) return value
[docs]def correct_awareness(value): """Fix the given datetime timezone awareness.""" if isinstance(value, datetime): if settings.USE_TZ: return make_aware(value) elif timezone.is_aware(value): default_tz = timezone.get_default_timezone() return timezone.make_naive(value, default_tz) return value
[docs]def fromtimestamp(value): """Return an aware or naive datetime from the given timestamp.""" if settings.USE_TZ: return make_aware(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value)) else: return datetime.fromtimestamp(value)
FIXEDWIDTH_STYLE = '''\ <span title="{0}" style="font-size: {1}pt; \ font-family: Menlo, Courier; ">{2}</span> \ ''' def _attrs(**kwargs): def _inner(fun): for attr_name, attr_value in kwargs.items(): setattr(fun, attr_name, attr_value) return fun return _inner
[docs]def display_field(short_description, admin_order_field, allow_tags=True, **kwargs): """Set some display_field attributes.""" return _attrs(short_description=short_description, admin_order_field=admin_order_field, allow_tags=allow_tags, **kwargs)
[docs]def action(short_description, **kwargs): """Set some admin action attributes.""" return _attrs(short_description=short_description, **kwargs)
[docs]def fixedwidth(field, name=None, pt=6, width=16, maxlen=64, pretty=False): """Render a field with a fixed width.""" @display_field(name or field, field) def f(task): val = getattr(task, field) if pretty: val = pformat(val, width=width) if val.startswith("u'") or val.startswith('u"'): val = val[2:-1] shortval = val.replace(',', ',\n') shortval = shortval.replace('\n', '|br/|') if len(shortval) > maxlen: shortval = shortval[:maxlen] + '...' styled = FIXEDWIDTH_STYLE.format( escape(val[:255]), pt, escape(shortval), ) return styled.replace('|br/|', '<br/>') return f