This document describes the current stable version of django_celery_monitor (1.1). For development docs, go here.

Source code for django_celery_monitor.humanize

"""Some helpers to humanize values."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from datetime import datetime

from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _
from django.utils.timezone import now

[docs]def pluralize_year(n): """Return a string with the number of yeargs ago.""" return ungettext(_('{num} year ago'), _('{num} years ago'), n)
[docs]def pluralize_month(n): """Return a string with the number of months ago.""" return ungettext(_('{num} month ago'), _('{num} months ago'), n)
[docs]def pluralize_week(n): """Return a string with the number of weeks ago.""" return ungettext(_('{num} week ago'), _('{num} weeks ago'), n)
[docs]def pluralize_day(n): """Return a string with the number of days ago.""" return ungettext(_('{num} day ago'), _('{num} days ago'), n)
OLDER_CHUNKS = ( (365.0, pluralize_year), (30.0, pluralize_month), (7.0, pluralize_week), (1.0, pluralize_day), )
[docs]def naturaldate(date, include_seconds=False): """Convert datetime into a human natural date string.""" if not date: return '' right_now = now() today = datetime(right_now.year, right_now.month,, tzinfo=right_now.tzinfo) delta = right_now - date delta_midnight = today - date days = delta.days hours = delta.seconds // 3600 minutes = delta.seconds // 60 seconds = delta.seconds if days < 0: return _('just now') if days == 0: if hours == 0: if minutes > 0: return ungettext( _('{minutes} minute ago'), _('{minutes} minutes ago'), minutes ).format(minutes=minutes) else: if include_seconds and seconds: return ungettext( _('{seconds} second ago'), _('{seconds} seconds ago'), seconds ).format(seconds=seconds) return _('just now') else: return ungettext( _('{hours} hour ago'), _('{hours} hours ago'), hours ).format(hours=hours) if delta_midnight.days == 0: return _('yesterday at {time}').format(time=date.strftime('%H:%M')) count = 0 for chunk, pluralizefun in OLDER_CHUNKS: if days >= chunk: count = int(round((delta_midnight.days + 1) / chunk, 0)) fmt = pluralizefun(count) return fmt.format(num=count)